Welcome, Salem Health employees!

Learn about your medical and dental plan options and how to contact our team for support.

The purpose of this site is to help you learn more about your medical and dental plan offerings so you can choose the right providers for you and your family.

Salem Health offers plan options through Moda Health and Delta Dental. Your medical plan options provide comprehensive medical benefits, coverage for prescription drugs, and free in-network preventive care. Both dental plan options offer Delta Dental’s nationwide networks – the largest in Oregon and throughout the US.

Better together Medical and Dental
A man and women looking at plan options

Your medical plan options and network tiers

Whichever medical plan you choose, you will have access to:

  • Three tiers of network doctors and hospitals at negotiated rates that protect you from balance billing
  • Annual out-of-pocket maximums that protect you from unexpectedly high costs and catastrophic claims.  Once you meet your out-of-pocket limit, the plan will pay 100% of all covered health care costs for the rest of the plan year
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Free in-network preventive care, including routine physicals and preventive exams, well-woman care, and preventive lab work

Compare plans side-by-side by reviewing the medical plan comparison chart

Medical plan network tiers

All medical plans cover the same types of medical services, but at different benefit levels based on the network tier your provider is in. Your provider’s tier impacts how much you pay toward your deductible (the amount you pay for covered health care before your plan starts to pay), the amount of your cost-sharing (the amount you pay for covered health care after you meet your deductible) and your out-of-pocket maximum (annual limit before your plan covers 100% of costs). It is a good idea to check your provider’s tier status at the start of each year. Please review the network tiers and plan options below.

Tier I: Providers of Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics and facilities and West Valley Hospital

  • Experience the greatest savings on out-of-pocket expenses
  • For a full list of Salem Health provider locations, please visit salemhealth.org/locations
  • View a list of Salem Health providers accepting new patients. This list is updated frequently, and you must be a Salem Health employee logged onto the Salem Health network in order to access it.
  • Please note: Some specialists (including, but not limited to, pathologists, radiologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and bariatric surgeons) are not Salem Health employees or our affiliates’ staff, but are contracted specialists and are paid under Tier II or Ill. Not all services have a Tier I provider.

Tier II: Moda’s Connexus Network, a statewide network in Oregon that also includes providers in SW Washington and Idaho boarder counties

  • Access providers and clinics that offer services that are generally not available at Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics
  • Choose from providers that include, but are not limited to, Salem Clinic, OHSU, Legacy Emanuel and Randall Children’s Hospital, Oregon Oncology Specialists, Moda’s network of independent behavioral health and alternative care providers, and Moda’s network of providers of durable medical equipment 

Tier III: Moda’s Connexus Network, a statewide network in Oregon that also includes providers in SW Washington and Idaho boarder counties

  • Uses specific hospital systems, ambulatory surgery centers, and provider clinics that provide the same services as Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics
  • This includes, but is not limited to, Salem Endoscopy, Samaritan Health System, Santiam Memorial Hospital, Silverton Hospital and providers, Oregon Heart Center, Cascade Cardiology, and Salem Women’s Clinic

Tier IV: Providers that are not contracted by the Moda Health Connexus network and are considered non-participating (out of network)

  • Coverage is limited for those on the Classic MHP and Prime HDP plans
  • Providers may balance bill for services

Networks for out-of-state employees:

National Network — An alternative tier II network is available for employees who live outside of Oregon/Southwest Washington.

  • Employees in Alaska use Moda’s Endeavor Select network with First Choice
  • Employees in Idaho use PHCS
  • Employees in all other states use Aetna’s PPO network

Reminder: Eligibility for out-of-area plans is determined by Salem Health. Please contact your Salem Health benefits team for more information.

Medical plan options

Prime Plan- HDP

The Prime Plan is a plan that has a higher deductible – the amount of medical expenses you pay each year before the plan begins to pay. The Prime Plan gives you more control over your healthcare and costs. It features a pre-tax spending account, called a health savings account (HSA), that helps you pay for eligible expenses. This medical plan offers three tiers of coverage. Choose any in-network tier I, tier II, or tier III physician or hospital for your care. Out-of-network coverage is limited to urgent and emergency care, massage therapy, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, and certain behavioral health services.

  • Your per-paycheck contribution is the lowest of the plan options, but your deductible and out-of-pocket costs are higher.
  • The deductible must be met before the plan will begin to pay for any services (other than preventive care). For family coverage the deductible is shared, meaning the entire family deductible must be met before the plan will begin to pay for any member of the family. Family coverage is considered any coverage other than employee-only coverage
  • Out-of-network coverage is limited to urgent and emergency care, massage therapy, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, and certain behavioral health services
  • Salem Health will contribute to your HSA: $1,650 annually for employee only coverage and $3,300 annually for family coverage (amounts are prorated for partial-year enrollments)
    • HSA contributions are pre-tax, reducing the amount in taxes you pay each pay period
    • Funds you take out of your HSA are not taxed when used for eligible medical expenses
    • If you have money left in your HSA at the end of the year, it will roll over year after year
  • The Prime Plan is not Medicare Part D creditable*

Each individual situation is different, but if you are in good health, do not have a lot of high-cost prescription drug expenses, and do not expect to incur significant medical expenses in the coming year, you may want to consider the Prime Plan to take advantage of the HSA.

See the Prime HDP Summary of Benefits and Coverage for more details.

*It is important to note the prescription plan offered through the Prime - High Deductible Plan is not Medicare D creditable and is NOT expected to pay out as much as standard Medicare prescription drug coverage pays. Therefore, your coverage is considered Non-Creditable Coverage. You can find more information on the Salem Health Notice of Creditable Coverage and how this affects Health Spending Account participation here

Choice Plan - MHP

The Choice Plan offers the greatest provider choice, allowing you to choose any physician or hospital for your care. You pay the least when you receive care from a tier I network provider, more at a tier II or tier III network provider, and the most at a tier IV out-of-network provider.

  • Your per-paycheck contribution is the highest of the plan options, but you have a lower deductible and out-of-pocket maximum
  • You have coverage with out-of-network providers
  • There is an Additional Cost Tier (additional copay) for specific elective services received from a tier II or tier III provider
  • The Choice Plan is Medicare Part D creditable

See the Choice MHP Summary of Benefits and Coverage for more details.

Additional Cost Tier

The Additional Cost Tier is designed to encourage consideration of less invasive treatment alternatives.  When certain surgical procedures are performed they are subject to a copayment on top of the standard benefit level. Additional Cost Tier procedures include the following:

$100 cost tier

  • Upper endoscopy
  • Spinal injections
  • Viscosupplementation
  • Lumbar discography
  • Tonsillectomy for a member under age 18 with chronic tonsillitis or sleep apnea
  • Sleep studies
  • Advanced imaging procedures

$500 cost tier

  • Arthroscopy (knee and shoulder)
  • Spine surgery
  • Uncomplicated hernia repair
  • Knee/hip replacement

Some Additional Cost Tier services require prior authorization. A full list of such services can be found on the Moda Health website. Contact a Health Navigator for more information regarding the Additional Cost Tier.

The Additional Cost Tier does not apply to surgical procedures or treatment that is provided by a tier I provider or facility.


To receive the highest level pharmacy benefit, fill your prescriptions at Salem Health retail pharmacies.

Drug price check and pharmacy locator

  • Do you want to know how much a medication costs before you purchase? Log in to your Member Dashboard, proceed to the pharmacy section, and use the “Pharmacy Tools” to check drug prices at local pharmacies.

Pharmacy network

  • Members have access to the ArrayRx Core network. Use Find Care to locate a pharmacy.

Travel and out of area dependents

A guy sitting outside looking out over a lake with his arms raised high
A family all happy and hugging each other outside.

What are my medical benefits while traveling?

When traveling outside of the primary service area (Oregon/Southwest Washington), you can receive in-network, tier II benefits by using a travel network provider for urgent or emergency services. You have access to the Aetna PPO travel network. You must seek care from an Aetna PPO provider to receive in-network coverage. The travel network can only be utilized if you are outside the primary service area and the travel is not for purposes of receiving treatment or benefits.

If you need help finding a provider, contact your Health Navigator team at 855‐425‐4543.

What is the coverage for dependents outside the primary service area?

Enrolled dependents residing in the United States, but outside the primary service area (Oregon/Southwest Washington), can receive care at the in-network, tier II benefit level by using an Aetna PPO provider. When an enrolled dependent moves outside the primary service area, you must contact your Health Navigator team at 855‐425‐4543 to provide the dependent’s out-of-area address.

The dependent will be set up on an out-of-area plan and will be eligible for the out-of-area coverage the first day of the month following the notification to Moda.

In-network benefits are not available to a dependent residing outside the service area for the purpose of receiving treatment or benefits. This provision only applies if the employee lives in Oregon or Southwest Washington and the dependent lives outside Oregon or Southwest Washington.

Delta Dental banner

Your dental plan options

The dental plans administered by Delta Dental give you access to the nation’s largest network of dentists. When you see a participating in-network provider, you receive preventive care services for free (i.e., no out-of-pocket costs). With both the Delta Dental plan and the Delta Dental plus Orthodontia plan, you also:

  • Receive a $1,500 annual maximum toward your dental care
  • Enjoy preventive services that do not count toward your annual maximum
  • Do not have benefit waiting periods

With the Delta Dental + Orthodontia Plan, both adults and children get a $1,500 lifetime maximum for orthodontic services.

Learn more about your dental plan benefits:


A person on the phone talking about 360 Health Navigators with customer support
Member dashboard

Moda 360 Health Navigators — your personal customer support team

Do you need support, guidance, answers, or maybe just a hand with navigating the sometimes-complex healthcare system?

A Health Navigator can support you or a family member with any needs related to your benefit plans, including, but not limited to:

  • Locating an in-network provider
  • Scheduling an appointment
  • Help with prior authorizations, appeals, or billing issues
  • Connecting you to care programs
  • Claim questions and general plan information

Reach out to a Health Navigator today at:

Member Dashboard — your personal member portal

Your Member Dashboard is your one-stop access point for all things related to your healthcare plan. Use your Member Dashboard to:

  • Review coverage for services
  • Live chat with a Health Navigator
  • View Moda 360 care reminders
  • Estimate costs for procedures
  • Check status of claims
  • Check annual deductible and out-of-pocket status
  • Review explanations of benefits (EOBs)
  • Print or order new ID cards

Log in to your Member Dashboard

Now available as an app!
Download the Moda 360 mobile app from your app store and take charge of your health—no matter where you are.

Or call Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. at:

Medical: 855‐425‐4543
Pharmacy: 833‐212‐5030
Dental: 833-212-5029

Search for in-network providers

Need to find a new provider or verify if your current provider is in network? Use Find Care, the medical and dental provider search tool. Remember to either enter your subscriber ID or choose your network to ensure you find in-network providers.


We’re here to help. If you have any questions about your benefits coverage, please call our Health Navigator team at 855‐425‐4543 or email us at medical@modahealth.com.

You can also reference your Member Handbook located in your Member Dashboard account.


Non-discrimination statement

Copyright © 2025 Moda, Inc. All rights reserved.

Health plans in Oregon and Alaska provided by Moda Health Plan, Inc. Dental plans in Oregon provided by Oregon Dental Service (ODS), dba Delta Dental Plan of Oregon. Dental plans in Alaska provided by Delta Dental of Alaska.

This site is meant to help you learn about plans and healthcare for you and your family. This site is subject to change in order to comply with state and federal law, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and related regulations, and connectivity with the federal Marketplace. If questions regarding benefits arise, the summary of benefits and coverage document is the master resource.
