Enrollment Periods
Open enrollment periods
Open Enrollment periods for plan year 2025 vary by state:
- In Alaska, Oregon, and Texas, open enrollment for Individual and family coverage begins November 1, 2024, and ends January 15, 2025. For applications received from November 1, 2024 through December 18, 2024, coverage will begin on January 1, 2025. For applications received December 19, 2024 through January 15, 2025, coverage will begin on February 1, 2025.
- In Idaho, open enrollment for Individual and family coverage begins October 15, 2024, and ends December 16, 2024. Coverage will begin on January 1, 2025.
- If you do not enroll during the Open Enrollment period dates for your location and you need coverage, you’ll have to qualify for Special Enrollment - see below.
Broker Commission
Moda Health pays a commission to appointed brokers for the work they do on your behalf. Our current commission schedule is located at modahealth.com/oregon/broker-commission
Impacted by Medicaid eligibility changes?
Medicaid redetermination is when the state checks to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, redetermination now takes place annually. If you no longer qualify for Medicaid because of a redetermination, you may find affordable coverage through a subsidized ACA Marketplace plan. Visit our Medicaid redetermination page to learn more and find your state Medicaid office.
Special Enrollment
As part of the enrollment process, you will need to provide proof of the life event that makes you eligible for Special Enrollment. In most cases you have up to 60 days from your event to apply. For events related to loss of minimum essential coverage, permanent move to a new area with new plan options, transition from a non-calendar year group plan and in some cases having an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) or Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA), you can apply 60 days before or after the event.
You may be eligible for coverage in the past (also known as retroactive coverage) when:
- You made an eligibility appeal and you were eligible based on the appeal decision
- The process to verify your Special Enrollment request was delayed
- Based upon qualifying for special enrollment due to certain life events
In these cases, you will receive a premium invoice to pay for coverage you can get for the past months. You can choose to pay the premium for all the months and get coverage for the past months. Or, you can pay the premiums only for the following month (also known as prospective coverage).
If you believe that you may be eligible for coverage in the past months based on one of the scenarios listed above, and would like for your premium to apply to the following month, please contact us via the phone or email listed above.
To enroll:
- Download the correct enrollment application for your location
- Locate your life event on the list below and gather the required documents
- Follow the instructions on the last page of the application to submit it along with the required documents
Type & Year |
Application |
Locations |
Medical & Dental combined 2025 |
For residents in Municipality of Anchorage, Fairbanks North Star, Haines, Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan Gateway, Mat-Su, Petersburg and Municipality of Skagway Boroughs, City and Borough of Juneau, City and Borough of Sitka, City and Borough of Wrangell, Hoonah-Angoon Census Area and Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area. |
Medical 2025 |
For residents of Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bingham, Boise, Bonneville, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Elmore, Fremont, Gem, Jefferson, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Teton and Washington counties. |
Medical & Dental combined 2025 |
For residents of Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Wheeler counties. |
Dental 2025 |
For all Alaska residents |
Dental 2025 |
For all Oregon residents |
Life events
Effective January 1, 2025:
New dependents | What you need | Coverage effective date |
You have a newborn | A birth certificate (Hospital, county, or government issued only) or letter from medical center showing proof of birth | The date of birth of your newborn or the 1st of the month following birth upon request. |
You gained a spouse or domestic partner or you became a spouse or domestic partner (including children of a spouse or domestic partner) At least one spouse must have at least one day of minimum essential coverage in the 60 days prior to the QE, unless they lived in a foreign country or US territory for 1 or more days during that 60-day period, or if they are an American Indian/Alaska Native, or if they lived for 1 or more days during the 60 days preceding the QE (or during their most recent preceding enrollment period) in a service area where no qualified health plan was available through the Exchange. |
Your marriage certificate or Domestic Partnership documentation and
A document from a health insurance carrier or government healthcare program, on official letterhead or stationery, demonstrating that at least one of the spouses had minimum essential coverage within the past 60 days, or A letter from an employer, on official letterhead or stationery, which confirms one of the spouses had minimum essential coverage through an employer group health insurance plan within the past 60 days. or Documentation demonstrating at least one spouse lived for 1 or more days during the 60 days preceding the QE (or during their most recent preceding enrollment period) in a service area where no qualified health plan was available through the Exchange. |
The 1st of the month following receipt of your application |
You gained a dependent or became a dependent through adoption, placement for adoption or foster care
The adoption paperwork or proof of placement for adoption or Evidence of proof from a court or state agency that you have the legal right to make medical decisions for a child in foster care |
The date of adoption or placement or the 1st of the month following adoption or placement upon request. |
You have a child support order or other court order |
A copy of child support order or applicable court order |
The date the court order is effective or 1st of the month following court order effective date upon request. |
Loss of coverage |
What you need |
Coverage effective date |
Loss of minimum essential coverage |
See below for required documentation for each loss of coverage event. |
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to termination of employment |
Documentation from employer demonstrating the reason for loss of coverage including employment termination date. |
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to divorce or termination of domestic partnership |
Your divorce decree |
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You or a dependent turned 26 and are no longer eligible for the current plan |
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to a job-related loss of eligibility |
A coverage cancellation notice or Certificate of Creditable Coverage
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to Military Discharge |
A Certificate of Release or Honorable Discharge from Active Duty.
Date of discharge |
You lost healthcare coverage due to expiration of:
A coverage cancellation notice or Certificate of Creditable Coverage.
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You or your dependent lost eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP |
A notification of loss of Children’s Health Insurance Program or Medicaid coverage from state program.
If you lose Medicaid/CHIP coverage you have up to 90 days to enroll in a new plan. Once your application is received, your coverage will start on the 1st of the month following month. |
You lost pregnancy related coverage or lost access to health care services through coverage provided to a pregnant woman’s unborn child |
A notification of loss of pregnancy related coverage from Children’s Health Insurance Program or Medicaid coverage from state program. |
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application |
You applied and were expected to be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, but were ultimately determined ineligible after open enrollment ended or more than 60 days after the qualifying event |
Documentation of from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on open enrollment application and transfer to Medicaid or CHIP for eligibility review
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to QHP/QDP decertification |
Documentation of QHP/QDP decertification from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or other appropriate government entity.
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
Your COBRA ended because you employer contribution or the government subsidies to COBRA stopped |
A coverage cancellation notice or Certificate of Creditable Coverage.
The 1st of the month following the loss of coverage if application is made on or before the day of the life event. If application is made after loss of coverage, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
Others |
What you need |
Coverage effective date |
You make a permanent move to a new area that offers different health plan options if you either had minimum essential coverage at least one day during the 60 days preceding the date of the permanent move OR you were living outside of the US or US territory at the time of the permanent move OR if you lived for 1 or more days during the 60 days preceding the QE (or during their most recent preceding enrollment period) in a service area where no qualified health plan was available through the Exchange.
For school-aged children (applying solo), you will need:
To demonstrate minimum essential coverage within the past 60 days: A document from a health insurance carrier or government healthcare program, on official letterhead or stationery, demonstrating that you had minimum essential coverage within the past 60 days. or A letter from an employer, on official letterhead or stationery, which confirms you had minimum essential coverage through an employer group health insurance plan within the past 60 days. If you are moving from another country, please submit a copy of your Visa or passport information page (with your photograph and personal details) and the date-stamped page. *If you apply for a dental plan and want credit applied toward the benefit exclusion periods, you must provide documentation from your employer or prior dental carrier showing the length of your previous dental coverage (i.e., coverage effective date and coverage end date).
The 1st of the month following the permanent move if application is made on or before the day of the move. If application is made after the permanent move, 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You drop a dependent or choose to transition to individual coverage from a non-calendar year group plan during the group’s annual enrollment period. |
Documentation from employer demonstrating the availability of the group’s annual enrollment period.
Open enrollment when you drop a dependent.
You are newly ineligible for APTC or CSR. |
Documentation of APTC disqualification from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Effective 1st of month following receipt of your application. |
You lost healthcare coverage due to QHP/QDP enrollment or disenrollment because of a HHS error or errors made by the entity providing enrollment assistance or conducting enrollment activities. |
Documentation of error from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Appropriate date for the special enrollment circumstance, as determined by Moda |
A QHP/QDP in which you enrolled substantially violated a material contract provision |
Documentation of QHP/QDP material violation from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Appropriate date for the special enrollment circumstance, as determined by Moda |
You are a victim or the dependent of a victim of domestic abuse or spousal abandonment, you are currently enrolled in minimum essential coverage, and are seeking to enroll in coverage separate from the perpetrator of abuse or abandonment. |
Documentation will be determined on a case-by-case basis. |
Effective 1st of the month following receipt of your application. |
You are newly provided a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA) through your employer. |
Employer notice of QSEHRA eligibility and the QSEHRA effective date.
The 1st of the month when QSEHRA becomes effective if application is made before the day of the life event (or if application made on the day of the life event when falling on 1st day of a month).
You are currently enrolled in a non-calendar year QSEHRA through your employer and lose coverage due to non-renewal of the QSEHRA at the end of the plan year. |
Document demonstrating loss of coverage from your employer AND documentation from your employer demonstrating the availability of the group’s annual enrollment period.
The 1st of the month following the group plan renewal date if application is made on or before the end of the group’s plan year.
You are newly eligible for an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) through your employer. |
Employer notice of ICHRA eligibility and the ICHRA effective date. |
The 1st of the month when ICHRA becomes effective if application is made before the day of the life event (or if application made on the day of the life event when falling on 1st day of a month).
You are currently enrolled in a non-calendar year ICHRA through your employer and lose coverage due to non-renewal of the ICHRA at the end of the plan year. |
Document demonstrating loss of coverage from your employer AND documentation from your employer demonstrating the availability of the group’s annual enrollment period.
The 1st of the month following the group plan renewal date if application is made on or before the end of the group’s plan year.
You did not receive timely notice of a life event that could make you eligible for special enrollment. |
Document demonstrating the notice of the life event was provided to you untimely and therefore you missed the original special enrollment window.
The earliest effective date that would have been available if timely notice of the life event was received.