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Individual and family medical plans

Better plans for the real you

You have a lot to think about when choosing the right medical benefits for you and your family. Our medical plans connect you with your primary care provider (PCP), who works closely with the rest of your care team (other providers, specialists, etc.) to help you achieve better health and wellness.

Moda Select Network

Our Individual medical plans give you access to providers in the Moda Select Network. This network includes a group of licensed medical professionals, clinics, pharmacies, labs and hospitals. These providers offer quality care and services to our Individual members who live within the Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Boise, Bonneville, Cassia, Canyon, Caribou, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Jefferson, Kootenai, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Teton and Washington counties.

Idaho map counties
Icon for resources

Member perks to meet your goals

Save money as  you work toward better health with exclusive discounts, programs, and tools for members.

  • Tools
  • Discounts
  • Coaching and care
  • Mental health support

See Member perks for more details.

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In network providers and health systems

Our network is carefully made up of a selected community of PCPs, specialists and trusted health partners in your area:

  • Saint Alphonsus Health Alliance (Treasure Valley)
  • Minidoka Memorial Hospital, Intermountain Cassia Regional Hospital (South Central Idaho)
  • Patient Quality Alliance (Southeast Idaho)
  • Bingham Memorial Hospital (Eastern Idaho)
  • Kootenai Health (Northern Idaho)

See Provider networks for more details

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Pharmacy benefits

In-network pharmacies

The pharmacy network includes access many pharmacies in Idaho, plus more than 65,000 pharmacies nationwide.

Locate a pharmacy in the Navitus Network

Mail-order services

If you have a chronic health condition, we offer mail-order services via Costco and PPS.



Impacted by Medicaid eligibility changes?

Medicaid redetermination is when the state checks to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, redetermination now takes place annually. If you no longer qualify for Medicaid because of a redetermination, you may find affordable coverage through a subsidized ACA Marketplace plan. Visit our Medicaid redetermination page to learn more and find your state Medicaid office.

Questions? We're here to help!

Medical Customer Service
8:30am-6:30pm Mon-Fri (Mountain Time)

Get more contact details
