Find healthcare providers
Moda Health Medicare Advantage network
You can find an in-network provider by searching the Medicare Advantage network on our online directory Find Care.
To find providers for routine vision exams, use the VSP Vision Provider Search tool or call VSP at 1-844-693-8863.
To find providers for routing hearing exams, call the number for TruHearing on the back of your member ID card.
For a printed directory, email Or download the one for your region:
Provider Directories
Download a PDF/printable version of our Western Oregon directories.
Out-of-network coverage
If you have a PPO plan and you are seeing an out-of-network provider, you or your provider are encouraged to get prior approval from the plan before you get non-emergent or non-urgent services. To learn more, see your Evidence of Coverage. You can also contact Customer Service.
Please call Moda Health Customer Service at 503-265-4762 or toll-free at 877-299-9062. TTY users, dial 711. Customer Service is available from 7 a.m.– 8 p.m. (Pacific Time), seven days a week October 1 – March 31 (closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas), and weekdays April 1 – September 30. Your call will be handled by our automated phone systems outside business hours.
Last updated Oct. 1, 2023