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Alternative treatments

It is important to understand and consider all factors — including additional costs — as you discuss treatment options with your provider.  When it comes to treatment for hip problems, surgery is not your only option. Many alternative treatments and self-care options are as effective, less invasive and less expensive.

Some treatments for hip arthritis can help you avoid the need for a total hip replacement.

  • Femoral osteotomy.Alignment problems of the hip, known as “developmental hip dysplasia,” can occur. A femoral osteotomy may be indicated if the weight bearing area of the hip can be broadened for a better fit. This consists of cutting the femur to realign the hip. However, recovery following femoral osteotomy is likely to be longer than with joint replacement.

Arthrodesis. Arthrodesis relieves pain by fusing the head of the femur to the acetabulum. This procedure has fewer limitations than a hip joint replacement. It can be effective if the individual’s back is mobile and without symptoms because much of the movement lost from the hip joint is demanded from the back. The procedure generally requires surgical fixation with a plate and screws and occasionally use of a cast is needed while healing continues. An arthrodesis can be converted to a total hip replacement at a later date if appropriate.


Please visit these resources for more information:

Hip Replacement.  Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). 2001-2010. Mayo Clinic

Illustrated Hip Replacement Tutorial (WebMD).

What is Hip Replacement? 2002-2010. EhealthMD

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