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Welcome Texas Producers

Keeping your clients healthy is an investment that pays dividends. Moda Health Plan is here to support your clients, every step of the way.

Our plans are designed to fit the healthcare needs of employers and their members.

Learn more about Moda Health

Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting

Individual and family medical plans

Are your clients looking for an individual or family medical plan? If so, you're in the right place. Moda Health plans are designed to support the way people live.

Happy man in hard hat and safety vest Happy man in hard hat and safety vest Happy man in hard hat and safety vest Happy man in hard hat and safety vest

Short term medical plans

Protect your clients from a gap in coverage. Our short term medical plans can help while they figure out a long-term medical solution.

Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting Professionals in a meeting

Employer-sponsored medical plans

Benefits employers and their employees will love. We offer health plans with a variety of funding types to help your clients get great plans while saving in premium costs.

Explore our employer-sponsored medical plans

Digital tools provide simplicity for you and your clients

Producer tools

You will have quick access to all the information you need to work with us.

Employer tools

Our best-in-class Employer Dashboard is a 1-stop destination for employers to manage enrollment, eligibility, reporting and invoices.

Member tools

Your clients’ employees and their families have access to our Member Dashboard. They can use it to get the most out of their benefits, access care and stay healthy.

Forms, documents and guides

We want you to be able to easily access everything you need to work with us. Download forms, documents and guides now.


Talk to our sales team at 800-578-1402, or email
