Moda Health. Healthcare from your head to your toes. Delta Dental | Moda Health

Provider frequently asked questions

What is considered a medical emergency?

Emergency medical condition means a medical condition that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity that a prudent layperson possessing an average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect that failure to receive immediate medical attention would place the health of a person, or a fetus in the case of a pregnant woman, in serious jeopardy.*

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Do members need a referral for routine services such as vision, GYN/PAP, etc.?

No, they can self refer to a participating optometrist for vision services or an OB/GYN for routine annual women's exam and maternity care.

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What if a member is not sure if they have medical eligibility?

To verify eligibility, the provider may inquire using Benefit Tracker. If the provider has not registered, then the member or provider should contact customer service.

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How do I appeal a denied and/or reduced claim?

First contact customer service for that group. If they cannot adjust the claim to pay based on any new information you give them, then you can mail an appeal letter to the Moda Health Complaint Management department. The letter should state clearly and concisely why you feel it should have been paid or paid at a higher level. Chart notes or other medical documentation can be included with the appeal letter.

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Can each family member select a different PCP?

Yes, if the medical plan utilizes a PCP, each covered family member can select a different PCP.

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How does a patient change from one PCP to another?

Patients have the option of changing PCPs within their plan's network up to two times per calendar year. The change will be effective the first of the month following the date of the request. When they have selected a PCP who is accepting patients, they should contact customer service or fill out the online form. A new ID card will be sent to the patient within five to 10 working days.

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Does an existing patient who is new to Moda Health need new referrals?

Yes. With a new insurance carrier, historical information regarding records of referrals and authorizations do not follow. Patients should notify their PCP that their insurance coverage is now with Moda Health and ask him or her to call Moda Health with your referral information.

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How do I get information in the physician directories updated?

Send a message to our Medical Professional Relations team.

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*This is our standard contract wording. Please refer to the member's Member Handbook for specific plan information.

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Moda comes from the latin term "modus" and means "a way". We picked it because that's what we are here to do: help our communities find a way to better health.

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