Moda Health. Healthcare from your head to your toes. Delta Dental | Moda Health

Behavioral health

Thanks to all who attended our Moda Health Behavioral Health Provider Webinar. As a valued partner, we want to give you access to the tools, resources and information you need to continue providing the best care for your patients. We appreciate your partnership and support in helping our members find a way to better health. Together, we can be more. We can be better.

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General forms

Behavioral Health Incentive Program

Moda Health is committed to amplifying each member's voice and measuring treatment progress. We invite providers to join us in exploring the value of Feedback-Informed Care and the integration of behavioral and medical care through our Behavioral Health Incentive Program (BHIP).

Currently, BHIP includes:

To support this work and examine the research behind these care standards, our Supplemental Document highlights the evolving culture within behavioral health.

Supervised Behavioral Health Providers

Moda recognizes the significant contributions of graduates who are collecting supervised hours toward independent clinical licensure. Clinics who hire SBHPs now have a clear path to register and submit service claims in broader support of our shared members. The Attestation for Provider Groups with Supervised Behavioral Health Providers guide outlines this opportunity.

Clinical guidelines


Moda Health has adopted the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement guideline for treatment of major depression in adults in primary care.

Adjustment disorder

Recommendations for assessment and treatment of adjustment disorder.

Outpatient psychotherapy

Moda Health recommends consistent use of outcomes measures in outpatient psychotherapy.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents

Moda Health has adopted the American Academy of Pediatrics clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents.

Clinical tools

Chemical dependency

Moda Health encourages all providers to screen for possible chemical dependency problems using a validated tool such as CAGE or AUDIT screening.

The CRAFFT is appropriate for screening adolescents and children for substance abuse, including prescription drug misuse.


Moda Health encourages all providers to screen for possible depression problems using a validated tool such as the PHQ-9. PHQ-9 scoring instructions.

Outcomes measures

Providers can use validated outcomes measures and supporting documentation, usually free of charge, available at ACORN and Heart & Soul of Change.

Preparing for telephonic review

Tips for ensuring a successful telephonic review for outpatient mental health services.

Medical Necessity

Moda Health Commercial Medical Necessity Criteria

Moda Health Provider Networks

Moda Health offers provider participation in multiple networks in order to meet the needs of its members, from large employer groups to individual subscribers. Participation in each network may be limited due to the number of providers who are currently in the network, and geographical location of the practice.

To view a complete list of Oregon Individual, small group and large group plans and networks, please visit our networks page.

If you are a new provider without an established relationship with Moda Health and you would like more information on how to become contracted, please visit our Become a provider page.

Contact Moda Health Behavioral Health

Moda Health Behavioral Health Customer Service
Local: 503-624-9382
Toll-free: 800-799-9391

Authorization and Treatment plan requests
Fax: 503-488-3674

Moda Health Behavioral Health
P.O. Box 5817
Portland, OR 97228-5817

Moda Health Provider Network

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We have exciting news to share. ODS is changing its name to Moda Health.

Moda comes from the latin term "modus" and means "a way". We picked it because that's what we are here to do: help our communities find a way to better health.

Together, we can be more, be better.

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