What is Moda Health Coaching?
Moda Health coaching is an opportunity for individualized support as you make lifestyle changes related to your wellbeing. You can work confidentially with a health coach to:
What happens in a health coaching session?
In a health coaching session, you will talk one-on-one over the phone with a health coach. Perhaps you are thinking about making a change and are not sure where to start. Connecting with a health professional who is trained in behavior change can set you up for success and provide gentle accountability as you shift your habits.
During conversations with your health coach, you will explore your motivations and strengths, options for reaching your health goals, and ways to overcome barriers. This is all done in a way that supports lasting change and fits into your life. The role of a health coach is not to tell you what to do; each session is approached in the spirit of collaboration and partnership with the goal of supporting your overall wellbeing. Since health coaching takes place by phone, it easy to connect from just about anywhere.
How does the health coaching program relate to my healthcare provider visits?
Health coaching does not replace providers or care you already receive. It is an additional layer of support.
How much does joining cost?
Health coaching is an annual benefit, available at no cost to you as part of your Moda Health plan!
How much of a time investment will health coaching be for me?
Your level of participation is up to you. The program is structured to provide you with an initial intake session, up to 12 health coaching sessions over the course of nine months, as well as a final closure session. Coaching sessions are scheduled for about 30 minutes.
How does Moda Health protect my privacy?
Moda Health follows the Federal Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, commonly known as HIPAA, or the Privacy Rule.
How do I enroll or learn more?
If you are interested in enrolling or learning more about the health coaching program, please let us know how and when to contact you by completing this form, and a health coach will be in touch.
Additional questions? Contact us!
Please call 855-466-7155 or email healthcoachteam@modahealth.com.
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Producer DashboardWe have exciting news to share. ODS is changing its name to Moda Health.
Moda comes from the latin term "modus" and means "a way". We picked it because that's what we are here to do: help our communities find a way to better health.
Together, we can be more, be better.
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