Helping you achieve your best health is our passion. We know you want tools that make health management easy and convenient. So we’ve created helpful online tools and resources for Moda Health members. You can also visit the AIMS website to view your 2015 plan summaries, which provide details on your benefits and coverage.
As a member of Moda Health, you have access to Member Dashboard, your personalized member website. Member Dashboard helps you manage your benefits so you get the most from your plan. With Member Dashboard, you can*:
Moda Health Be Better tools includes tools and individualized support to help you on your health journey. Included as part of all Moda Health medical plans, Moda Health Be Better tools is available through Member Dashboard, and includes:
This online service helps you understand your symptoms and make informed health decisions. Email a specialized health professional at any time of day to get the answers you need. ODS eDoc gives you access to:
The ODS Registered Nurse Advice Line allows you to get answers and information about your health over the phone, day or night. Nurses can help you with basic health situations, such as:
Moda Health offers in-depth support programs for those dealing with chronic health conditions. Our health coaches will provide you with one-on-one support. Our health coaching programs include:
If you are dealing with a serious illness or recovering from an accident, you have access to case managers who can help you navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. A Moda Health case manager can help:
Take charge of your health and follow your progress with Momentum, powered by Moda Health. This secure healthy living dashboard lets you identify health risks, make goals and track improvements. Log in to Member Dashboard and look for Momentum to:
* Not all plans have access to all tools and resources. Please check your Member Handbook for your plan-specific tools and resources.
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