We think the best way to serve a community and its health needs is to be a part of that community. Our dedicated sales team is available to answer all your questions.
Matt Schnug Sales Executive, Eastern Washington (Large group) 855-801-2989 |
Sharon Parchia Sr. Account Executive 855-260-4526 |
Paul Baker Program Manager, Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. 206-892-9573 |
Moda Health partners with Wells Fargo to provide Trust benefits. To learn more about Moda Health, take time to speak with Wells Fargo Program Manager, Paul Baker, at 206-892-9573.
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For value-based provider programs, including Synergy, Summit, Beacon, Affinity, CPC+, and EOCCO
Check benefits, eligibility, incentive and utilization
If you are creating an account for an adult member of your family, that member must have given you permission to set up an account in his/her behalf. If permission has not been provided, you may be violating the privacy of that individual's information.
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Health plans in Oregon, Alaska and Washington provided by Moda Health Plan, Inc. Health plans in California provided by Moda Health Plan, Inc. dba Moda Health Insurance. Dental insurance products in Oregon provided by Oregon Dental Service. Dental insurance products in Alaska provided by Delta Dental of Alaska.
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